Education Overview

Programs for those engaged in the practice of business continuity planning and management. Based upon the Professional Practices for Business Continuity Professionals, the DRI International Core Curriculum is designed for professionals entering the field and those with significant experience seeking certification and further depth of knowledge. DRI International continues to grow and expand it's audience to security professionals, risk managers, emergency responders, and all that hold continuance of service as a high priority. To date, we've helped educate over 25,000 individuals through our copyrighted education curriculum.

BCLE-2000 is a 4.5-day course which is an comprehensive course for anyone wishing to learn the subject matter. There is also BCP-501 which is a 3-day course and meant for people who have been in the industry. They may just need a very quick refresher to get them through a quick revision and then sit for the certification examination.

Attendance at the training is important although it is a big help and most candidates of the examination adopts the course-followed-by-examination route.

All candidates who have taken the examination and obtained a pass grade must apply for certification within the next two years of the examination; failure to do so will render the results invalid due to expiry. Now, if the candidate does not possess two years of related experience in at least 5 of the 10 professional practices. He would only be granted the certification grade of ABCP (Associate Business Continuity Professional) and can apply for an upgrade of certification status after he has obtained the relevant number of years of experience in the relevant professional practices.

For him/her who have obtained the MBCP grade, he/she is eligible to take the Masters examination which is a case-study examination and only after he/ she has proven record of minimum of 5 years in at least 7 professional practices.

Knowledge acquired are compliant with the ISO22301:2012 and many international standards

Training Course

BCLE2000 (4.5-day) / Certification Brochure

BCLE stands for Business Continuity License Examination course. It consists of 32 hours of training and 2.5 hours of examination. The examination papers are from DRII and will be administered in a standard exam room environment. The exam scripts will then be sealed and couriered to DRII in Washington for audit and assessment. The result will be released by DRII directly.

Course Outline  Read More

BCP-501 (3-Day) / Certification Brochure

The BCP 501 is an express business continuity planning course designed for experienced professionals in business continuity or disaster recovery planning. This course covers the DRI best Professional Practices for Business Continuity Professionals with cross referencing to ISO22301. This 3-day course features 18 hours of instruction followed by the Qualifying Examination. Instructors take a fast-paced approach to the Professional Practices with emphasis on BC planning and the knowledge, skills and procedures needed to effectively implement each step of the planning process. The examination papers are from DRII and will be administered in a standard exam room environment. The exam scripts will then be sealed and couriered to DRII in Washington for audit and assessment. The result will be released by DRII directly.

Course Outline  Read More


BCLE-AUD is designed for novice & experienced corporate planners, internal & external auditors, personnel interested in self-assessing programs, personnel assessing program for clients, personnel performing audits to better measure their state of preparedness.

This course is an interactive program that provides training, tools and hands-on experience to help attendees understand the key components of disaster/emergency management and business continuity.

This course covers relevant standards, laws and regulations, the process of risk assessment, vulnerability analysis, loss prevention, risk mitigation, and the development, implementation, testing and maintenance of plans and procedures.  Read More

Corporate Training

DRI Singapore's Corporate Training Program aligns your training needs with your business continuity goals and objectives. Bringing DRI training to you and your team allows business continuity planning training in an environment delivered in coordination with your company's values and culture. When selecting the program that is right for your team, it needs to sync with your corporate environment and organizational practices. DRI International's instructors are able to do just that.

Our training supports your program development, team building and awareness efforts through the delivery of a globally-recognized education provided by the certification leader in business continuity. Part of corporate training is to accentuate your workforce's core knowledge and learning processes while reinforcing company vision and ideology. By providing the training at your location, our discussion of best practice, trends and standards is presented in a familiar context without the distraction of travel or other agendas.

Corporate training is effective and efficient. Here are some of the reasons to consider training your team with DRI International

•No additional instructor costs or fees
•Reduced costs for employee travel, if any
•Focus on the company or your industry specifics
•Develop a coherent approach to planning
•High profile events that draw the attention of management
•High profile events that help shape awareness
•Help build stronger teams

All courses on the current curriculum are available for delivery as a part of a Corporate Training Program. The courses can vary in length and size (half-day workshops, week-long or long weekend courses for small classes or your whole company). These programs can be customized for specific outcomes as required by the client. DRI Singapore’s Education Department can tailor a training program to match your organization's needs either by adapting an existing program or by developing a new one.

For more information and to find out how our Corporate Training programs can work for you, please contact DRI Singapore at